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How to increase ER collets life by 4 simple techniques

How to increase ER collets life by 4 simple techniques

Tarun Jain |

How to increase ER collets life by 4 simple techniques


We often see ER collets are wear out and not functioning properly as springiness of ER collets are not that good as previously its because of some common mistakes done by us today we will tell you how to correctly use ER collets to increase their life and precision.

  1. Choose a right diameter of collet, if you have a 10 mm Dia of cutter you must use 10mm hole of collets not 11 , you can use 11 but in this case you have to use maximum spring of collets to grip 10 mm and when its tighten to its upper limit its springiness will not be same so choose a 10 mm collet for 10mm shank. If its 10.1 to 11 mm shank use 11 mm hole of collet only.


  1. How deep your cutter should be as ER collets are made for full support so your shank should be fully inside collets it will look like this.
    er collet mars-tech

  2. ER nuts are asymmetrical design for fixture of collets you have to first fix the collet after that tighten it. It should look like below picture.


  1. Use spanner with standard handle , do not use a bigger handle which will give unwanted extra torque to chuck and it can crack threading of nut and break it.



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